Blog Posts

Hey there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I’m sharing my weight loss journey, no filters, no fluff. It's all about keeping it real—counting calories, making healthier choices, and having a laugh at life’s ups and downs along the way. Whether you're here to follow my progress, pick up a tip or two, or just enjoy some honest, relatable content, I hope you find something that speaks to you. Let’s tackle this journey together—one pound at a time!

  1. The ultimate weight loss hack, Get ill

    The ultimate weight loss hack, Get ill

    Alright, gather round, folks, because I've discovered the secret to rapid weight loss... and it's not what you think. Over the last three weeks, I've been hit with some kind of bug from the depths of hell. We're talking headaches, cold sweats, vomiting - the full works. It's like my body decided to throw every symptom at me just to see if I could handle it. Spoiler alert: I barely did.

  2. What am i up to this week

    What am i up to this week

    Two Weeks Sober, One Walk a Day, and a Whole Lot of Code: My Quest for Less Beer and More Fitness

  3. Well Well Well, Im Back

    Well Well Well, Im Back

    That's right, after a very generous (and calorie-filled) sabbatical from both blogging and weight loss, I'm dusting off the ol' keyboard and stepping back on the scale-two things I haven't done in far too long. You might say I've been bulking, but who are we kidding? It's time to face the music (and by music, I mean the salad bar).

  4. The Rollercoaster Ride of Weight Loss: My Journey Back to the Scale

    The Rollercoaster Ride of Weight Loss: My Journey Back to the Scale

    Hey there, fellow adventurers in the world of weight loss! It's me, your not-so-faithful guide, back from a hiatus that feels longer than waiting for the next season of your favourite show. Strap in, because we're about to embark on a journey filled with ups, downs, and a whole lot of snacks.

  5. Finding Light at the End of the Weight Loss Tunnel: My Journey Through Gym Anxiety and Depression

    Finding Light at the End of the Weight Loss Tunnel: My Journey Through Gym Anxiety and Depression

    Hey there, fellow readers! Today, I want to talk about something that's been on my mind for a while now – weight loss and its surprising connection to my depression. I'm a middle-aged 36-year-old with a loving family of three kids and a wonderful wife. They mean the world to me, and I cherish every moment I spend with them.

  6. Bouncing Back from Life's Curveballs: My Weight Loss Journey Continues

    Bouncing Back from Life's Curveballs: My Weight Loss Journey Continues

    Hey there, fellow warriors of the weight loss battlefield! It's me, your friendly neighbourhood weight loss enthusiast, and I'm back with an update on my journey. Let's dive right in, shall we? So, the last few weeks have been quite the rollercoaster ride, with work piling up and the kiddos heading back to school. It's been a whirlwind of responsibilities, and I have to admit, my weight loss goals took a bit of a backseat. But hey, life happens, right?