What am i up to this week

Written by: Mike Jones

What am i up to this week

Two Weeks Sober, One Walk a Day, and a Whole Lot of Code: My Quest for Less Beer and More Fitness

Whats Going On This Week

Hello, loyal readers of Fatty 4 Eyes! If you’re new here, welcome to the blog where I share the trials and triumphs of a fat, middle-aged guy sharing my struggles with his weight, and occasionally wonders if he's becoming one with his couch. This week, I'm excited to report that some big changes are happening in my world—and I don’t just mean switching from the comfy sweatpants to the other comfy sweatpants.

#The Great Beer Breakup

Let’s kick off with the most monumental update: I haven’t touched a drop of beer in two whole weeks! That’s right, two entire weeks without my usual Friday and Saturday night “liquid carb loading.” I’ve gone from consuming around 5,000-6,000 calories worth of beer per weekend (yeah, you read that right) to exactly zero. Who knew quitting something that’s mostly water could feel like such an achievement? Now, I’ve replaced my former beer-fueled weekend binges with… well, anything that isn’t beer. So far, so good!

#Code, Sweat, Repeat

When I’m not busy NOT drinking, I’ve been pouring my energy into building out new features on my weight loss website. The project is evolving, just like me (well, hopefully faster than me). I’ve added more functionality, like exercise tracking for calories burned, time spent, and the mood I’m in when I’m pretending to enjoy it. There’s also a “days since last beer” counter—a nifty little tool I coded so I can keep myself honest about my newfound sobriety. It’s like a digital guilt trip, but in a good way.

Speaking of exercise, I’ve managed to drag myself out for a walk at least once a night. It's not exactly a marathon, but it’s definitely a step up from just walking to the fridge for snacks. And who knows? Maybe one day I'll walk so far that I'll accidentally end up at the gym.

#On the Horizon: Couch to 5K… and Counting Calories?

So, what's next for this middle-aged man on a mission? Well, next week, I'm taking things up a notch and diving into the "Couch to 5K" program. It sounds simple, right? Go from sitting on your behind to running a 5K in a few weeks. What could possibly go wrong? I imagine a fair bit of huffing, puffing, and potentially wheezing, but we’re going for progress, not perfection.

Oh, and I'll be starting to count calories again—though it feels like I'll spend more time entering data than actually eating. The idea is to keep better track of what I’m stuffing my face with, now that I’m no longer throwing three bottles of beer into the mix every night. Who knew math would end up being the secret weapon in my weight loss journey?

Closing Thoughts So there you have it, folks. Two weeks booze-free, new features on the website, nightly strolls, and some ambitious plans for next week. It’s like I’m becoming a whole new person—or at the very least, a person who doesn’t smell like stale beer on Saturday morning.

Stay tuned for updates on my Couch to 5K journey, calorie counting conundrums, and maybe—just maybe—a few more life changes that involve less sitting and more sweating. Thanks for keeping up with my ups, downs, and everything in between.

Here’s to fewer calories, more steps, and as always, a little bit of humor along the way. Cheers! (With a glass of water, of course.)