Well Well Well, Im Back

Written by: Mike Jones

Well Well Well, Im Back

That's right, after a very generous (and calorie-filled) sabbatical from both blogging and weight loss, I'm dusting off the ol' keyboard and stepping back on the scale-two things I haven't done in far too long. You might say I've been bulking, but who are we kidding? It's time to face the music (and by music, I mean the salad bar).

Well Well Well

#Back on the Scales: The Return of Fatty 4 Eyes

Well, here we are again. After a year of avoiding both the scales and salad, I’ve decided to waddle my way back into the world of weight loss. You may remember a time when I managed to get down to a glorious 14 stone (88.9kg). Yeah, that was nice while it lasted. But now, folks, I’m back at 17 stone (108kg), and let me tell you, my belly has returned like a long-lost friend that I never invited to the party.

#Stressed, Depressed, and Still Well-Dressed?

Let’s get real for a second—this past year has been a rollercoaster, and not the fun kind. More like the one that jerks you around, makes you feel sick, and somehow leaves you with a bloated gut. I’ve been feeling pretty stressed and, dare I say, a little down about my personal image and life in general. It’s hard not to when your waistline expands faster than a balloon at a kid’s birthday party.

I used to glance in the mirror and think, “Eh, could be worse.” But now it’s more like, “Who is this and why is he still eating pizza at 11 p.m.?” That’s not the vibe I’m going for. It’s time to turn things around, before I need a forklift to get out of bed.

#The Scale Doesn’t Lie (But I Wish It Did)

So, back to the scales I went. I can confirm they are as brutally honest as ever. 17 stone. I’m carrying around enough extra weight to be considered a part-time Sumo wrestler. But the good news? I’ve been here before, and I know I can get back down to my original goal of 14 stone. And this time, I’m not just aiming to drop weight—I want to finally say goodbye to the belly fat that’s been hanging around like a bad sitcom.

#What’s the Plan?

So, what’s different this time around? Well, for starters, I’m actually going to try to stick to it. Shocking, I know. For the foreseeable future, I’ll be experimenting with all kinds of weird and wonderful ways to shed the pounds and flatten this belly. I’ll be sharing everything with you, whether it’s a new exercise routine that leaves me wheezing on the floor or a diet plan that doesn’t involve beer. (Yes, apparently that’s a thing.)

I’ll try it all—intermittent fasting, low-carb, high-protein, maybe even yoga (pray for me). Who knows, maybe I’ll discover some miracle workout that burns calories while you sleep. One can dream, right?

#Here We Go Again...

So, if you’re ready for more rants about salads, complaints about burpees, and possibly some before-and-after photos that will either inspire or horrify you, then buckle up. This journey isn’t going to be quick, and it sure won’t be pretty, but it’s happening. Again.

Welcome back to the blog, folks. Let’s lose this belly together (preferably without losing my sanity in the process).